10 Tips to Finish the UNBOUND Gravel 200 (or Any Long Gravel Race)
UNBOUND Gravel is the world’s biggest gravel race and it features 200 miles of seriously rough terrain in the legendary Flint Hills of Kansas. Whether you’re a gravel racing newbie or the world’s best pro athlete, UNBOUND is always a tough event to finish.
I’ve successfully finished the UNBOUND 200 multiple times and have coached a few riders to complete their first UNBOUND 100 or 200. I’ve also DNF’d and experienced countless race disasters and mechanicals. Along the way, I’ve picked up tactics and strategies that have helped me push my limits and perform my best. Today, I’ll tell you what I wish I had known before trying UNBOUND for the first time. Even if you aren’t doing UNBOUND, these simple tips and tricks should help you cross the finish line at any long-distance gravel event!
1. Focus on Consistency in Your Prep

Obviously, it’s a good idea to train for any endurance cycling event. I coach a few UNBOUND riders and work with a coach myself, but the vast majority of participants are either self-coached or don’t adhere to any sort of structured training plan. For many racers, the biggest concern with endurance gravel events is distance. If you’re staring down the barrel of a 200-mile course, you might worry about making it to the end before you run out of time (UNBOUND’s time cut-off is 20 hours) or your body gives up.
The key to preparing for any endurance event is CONSISTENCY. For many of my athletes, the goal isn’t to regularly complete leg-destroying high-mileage rides. Instead, it’s simply to set up your training to allow you to ride as often as possible. That could mean riding for 1-2 hours a day, 3-6 days a week. My old mentor (a former WorldTour pro) once put it to me this way: if you only have 5 hours a week to ride, doing 5 one-hour rides a week is almost always better than doing one 5-hour ride a week.
Unless you’re trying to compete at a high level, most riders don’t need to train long hours to prepare for a long event. They just need enough training stimulus to get their body to adapt and get stronger! Planning your training so you’re doing regular, easier rides throughout the week means you can recover faster. This means you can ride more often, which lets you build volume sustainably and maximize fitness gains.
That said, it’s a good idea to do a few long rides while training. It’s the only way to know how your mind, body, gear, and nutrition will feel after many hours in the saddle (more on that in a moment). Do you need to actually complete a 200-mile ride when preparing? Fortunately, no! When I trained for the UNBOUND 200 last year, I only did one ride longer than 100 miles (it was 120 miles). I only did around 5 “long rides” in training and most were actually in the 60-90 mile range. Again, keeping these rides shorter let me recover faster so I could keep consistent by riding throughout the week without needing to take multiple days off.
Still worried if you’ll finish? Here’s my general rule: if you’re capable of completing 60% of your goal race distance without feeling like you need to take several days off after, you can make it to the finish of the event without issue. Make it 70% if you want to be extra safe.
Bottom Line: More than anything, consistency is the key to success. Your longest training rides can be 60-70% race distance and be enough.
2. Pacing is Everything

The biggest mistake almost EVERY racer makes, even pros, is going out too hard. If your main goal is to finish and finish strong, then conservative pacing is key. The fastest way for most riders to finish is to pace as evenly as possible over the entire duration of an event. By saving energy early, you’ll have more energy later when it really matters.
The ideal pace will depend on your fitness and experience. For long-distance events like the UNBOUND 200, I tell riders that their perceived effort level in the opening hours should feel almost TOO easy. If you use a power meter and know your zones, you want to be riding in the low-to-middle of your Zone 2—this is your ALL-DAY power.
In a race setting, riding at such a conservative pace can feel comically slow and it’s very easy to get caught up in the moment when other riders keep blowing by you. Be disciplined! Since most riders go too hard too early, you’ll end up catching and passing a lot of them when they fade and blow up in the final miles.
It’s okay to make some pacing exceptions though. I’ll explain more further down…
Bottom Line: If your goal is to finish strong, then your riding pace should feel almost too easy in the beginning.
3. Nutrition is Also Everything

Training and pacing are extremely important, but there’s one more component that forms the holy trinity of endurance racing success: nutrition.
The sport of cycling has experienced a “carbohydrate revolution” in recent years. A major focus of racers and coaches is the amount of carbs they can ingest per hour on the bike. There’s a lot of nuance, but generally, there’s a high correlation between consuming more carbs per hour and improved performance.
For performance, most nutrition experts recommend consuming anywhere between 90-120 grams per hour (this will vary depending on your size and fitness). Some pros are pushing the limits with over 120 g/hr, but average riders likely don’t need to go that crazy. I do extremely well sticking to around 100 g/hr—it allows me to perform well on 8+ hour rides and I experience little to no gut distress. One of the extremely petite riders I coach finds around 80 g/hr is her limit. If you’re new to fueling on the bike, you might find it difficult to eat 90-120 g/hr. Many beginners might do better experimenting with 50-80 grams per hour and then training their gut over time to handle more.
Also, when we say “carbs,” we mean simple carbohydrates in the form of sugars or starches that are easy to digest. When fueling yourself on the bike, you want simple and quick energy that won’t stress your gut. I like sport-specific drink mixes, gels, and gummies, but many riders prefer “real” food. Store-bought options will work as long as they’re low in fiber (so it doesn’t upset your gut). My favorites are stroopwafels, Oreos, Swedish Fish, and Rice Krispies.
The other half of fueling is timing. A good recommendation is to eat something every 30-45 minutes. This keeps you topped up and keeps portions smaller so they don’t distress your gut (you’ll see this is a common theme). I eat every 30 minutes and even have an alarm on my Garmin head unit set to go off every 30 minutes to remind me to eat something and drink. By staying fueled with carbs, you’ll stay stronger and happier throughout a long race.
Bottom Line: Eat (and drink) early and often, and use nutrition products that you’ve tested and know won’t upset your stomach.
4. Nothing New on Race Day

Since I mentioned gut distress a few times in the previous section, this might be a good time to talk about testing things thoroughly before race day. Regarding nutrition, many athletes can lose their appetite in endurance events. In bad cases, they feel nauseous and gassy. In the worst cases, they may have to dive into a Porta-potty to purge evil from their bodies. Obviously, this is unideal. To avoid it, test your food and practice eating ahead of time.
In the 2-3 months leading up to my goal race, I test my drink mix, gels, chews, and other food on my longer multi-hour training rides and highest-intensity workouts/group rides. These rides simulate the conditions of racing, so they’ll give me a good idea if something will work well for my stomach. You also need to do this to train your gut to digest and use the fuel you’re giving it. If you train while ingesting 60 g/hr but try to bump it up to 100 g/hr on race day, you’re going to have a bad time.
This all relates to the old adage of “nothing new on race day.” Not only do you want to have full confidence in your nutrition, but in your riding gear too. Don’t rock up to the start line in a new kit that you haven’t tested on long rides. Don’t install new components on your bike the week before. Last-minute changes always have a high probability of causing problems. Everything you’re wearing and using should have been put through its paces and proven beforehand.
I extend this to my pre-race routines too. I try to eat the same breakfast before races that I eat before my longest or hardest training rides. I use the same warm-up routine and listen to the same pump-up music. Stick to what you know works, and there will be less that can go wrong.
Bottom Line: Test your gear, nutrition, and pre-race routine thoroughly before race day to ensure there are no unpleasant surprises.
5. Find the Right Group (but Don’t Fear Solitude)

You’re always faster with friends. I talked about conservative pacing a few sections up, and that still applies, but I make exceptions whenever the right group of riders comes along. Working with a group (or even just one other rider) allows you to save energy by trading pulls on the front. Because air resistance is the most powerful force cyclists fight against, having other riders help break the wind will allow you to cover ground faster and improve your finishing times.
The “right” group is one where you can maintain your all-day pace while staying sheltered behind other riders. Because of group dynamics, you’ll likely need to perform some hard efforts to stay attached if and when a gap forms. Doing the occasional sprint to stay attached is generally worth it for the time and energy savings.
However, if you find you have to work too hard to stay with a group, don’t be afraid to let them go. As I said in the pacing section, it’s very easy to get caught up in the moment and push yourself over the edge. Be disciplined and conservative. You might find yourself catching riders from the group later if they’re also riding over their limits.
If you’re not comfortable riding in a group, this is something worth practicing ahead of a race by joining group rides. Don’t stress if you end up alone though. Almost every gravel racer experiences moments of extreme solitude during long events, and that’s all part of the adventure!
Bottom Line: If you happen to find the right group, it’s okay to expend extra effort from time to time to stay with them, but let them go if you end up working too hard.
6. Sleep Matters… Sort Of

Sleep is something that has always worried me. I get so anxious before races that I barely sleep the night before. When I’m struggling to fall asleep, I get more stressed out, and it gets even harder to fall asleep. The night before UNBOUND 200 last year, I tossed and turned and slept less than 4 hours total. You’d think that would ruin my performance, but I ended up having my best-ever finish of 11:58:20.
How is that possible? Here’s what I and many coaches and sports scientists have learned over the years. Your sleep quality the night before the event is not nearly as important as your sleep quality in the preceding days. This is a huge relief for bad sleepers like me. Instead of stressing about sleeping well during the two nights I spent in an unfamiliar hotel room in Kansas, I focused on getting good and consistent sleep at home to ensure I was as fresh as possible before traveling for the race. Good sleep is one of the best performance boosts you can give yourself, and for the most part, it’s free! Do what it takes to sleep well during the week before the event.
Bottom Line: Focus on getting good sleep in the week leading up to race day.
7. Prepare for the Worst

Finishing a big race like UNBOUND (or any major gravel event) wouldn’t be as meaningful without some chance of failure, right? Ideally, everything goes right and you have the race of your life, but it’s a good idea to be prepared for the worst.
For long gravel events, you should carry plenty of spares and tools on your bike. Here’s what I keep in my saddle bag:
Multitool w/ a chainbreaker
Tire plug kit
Spare Tube(s)
CO2 inflator
CO2 cartridge(s)
Tire lever
Spare chain quick link
Spare tubeless valve core
Zip ties
Also attached to my bike frame, I have a few more handy extras:
Small hand pump (if I use up my CO2s)
A paint stick
Tire punctures are the most common mechanical riders experience. Every rider should carry a good tire plug kit and at least one spare tube (in case tire plugs aren’t enough). Make sure you know how to plug a puncture and change a tube! Puncture repair skills that are important to research (YouTube has everything!), and if you can, practice before race day.
When it comes to multi-tools, I recommend choosing one with a chain breaker. Chain breakers add a bit of weight, but they can save your race if you snap your chain or destroy your rear derailleur (this happened to me during the infamous 2023 mud year). You can cut the chain and reconnect it with a quick link to create a singlespeed setup which can allow you to limp to a checkpoint or the finish. Otherwise, be sure your multitool has a bit to fit every bolt on your bike!
Other bits and bobs I’ve learned to carry are a paint stick. If there’s a chance of mud, you’ll end up using it a lot to clear UNBOUND’s sticky peanut butter mud from your frame and tires. A couple of zip ties and a bit of Gorilla tape wrapped around my hand pump have saved me countless times by allowing me to secure loose or broken components.
Bottom Line: Make sure your on-bike repair kit is well-stocked. Study and practice the most common roadside repairs.
8. Embrace the Darkness

During every endurance event I do, I enter a dark place physically and mentally. It’s part of the reason why I love endurance racing. This is when you find out what you’re really made of.
Maybe you’re feeling weak, tired, and miserable. Maybe the heat, wind, or mud is wearing you down. Maybe you’re experiencing the most intense suffering you’ve ever felt in your life. When the lights start going out, the temptation to give up can feel overwhelming.
Here’s what you need to remember: everyone feels this, and it usually goes away if you wait long enough. Good endurance racers are good because they push through the darkness until they experience a second wind. During a super long race, they might go through this multiple times. I’ll experience a third or fourth wind over a 12+ hour day at UNBOUND. Unless you’re experiencing a serious medical emergency (in that case stop!), it’s almost always worth it to try gritting through the suffering until your mind and body come back around.
Here’s a little trick I use all the time. I pick a landmark that I can see on the road ahead—a tree, a rock, a turn, anything works—and make a deal with myself that I’ll keep pedaling up to that point and see how I feel. When I get there, I pick a new landmark up the road and repeat. Breaking a big race down like this can make something massive and impossible feel small and achievable. Just keep pedaling. You might be shocked at what you’re actually capable of!
Bottom Line: Everyone, even the best pros, experiences extreme lows during long endurance events. Try to grit through and wait for your second, third, or fourth wind.
9. Remember to Breathe

Do you get nervous before races? I’m pretty much s***ing myself every time I line up.
Before races, controlled breathing is what keeps me from falling apart. I use the same box breathing technique taught to Navy SEALs: Inhale for 4 seconds, 4-second pause, exhale for 4 seconds, 4-second pause, repeat. It's kind of amazing how well this technique calms my nerves before bike races. I do it while sitting in my room before leaving for the start and I do it while standing in the start corral waiting for the gun.
Controlled breathing also helps when I’m suffering on the bike during those dark moments we talked about before. This is super useful when your heart rate is skyrocketing and you’re feeling the burn in your legs. I simply focus on exhaling completely and expelling as much air from my lungs as possible. Not only does this calm your mind when alarm bells start going off, but it has physical benefits too. Your lungs are generally capable of taking in enough oxygen to fuel your muscles. Clearing the waste products from burning oxygen and glucose (like Lactate) is generally where we need a bit more help. For many riders, focusing on exhaling completely has a noticeable effect on your ability to clear those waste products, and it could mean the difference between pedaling up a tough hill or getting off the bike and walking.
Bottom Line: Controlling your breath is one of the best ways to calm your nerves or endure suffering. As long as you’re breathing, you can keep going!
10. We’re All Doing This for Fun

We love riding and racing bikes because it’s fun, right? Remember, you CHOSE this. When you’re deep in the hole, suffering, or thinking about quitting, try to shift your attention to good things.
Take in the sights—the green fields and blue sky go on forever in Emporia. Ogle all the fancy bikes and gear on course. Pop in an earbud (keep one ear open or use bone-conduction headphones for safety) and listen to some uplifting jams. Strike up a conversation with someone riding your pace or who’s also hurting. Make jokes. Encourage others. Encourage yourself. The more you can do the little things that make us civilized and kind humans, the stronger your spirit will stay throughout a tough day.
Also, keep in mind that the toughest moments are often the ones you remember most fondly when you look back at them. One of the things I love about UNBOUND is that you never know what to expect. It’s an amazing adventure, and every pedal stroke adds another chapter to your own unique race story. Stay open to new things and try to enjoy the fact that you’re doing something very special that few people will get the opportunity to experience.
Bottom Line: No matter what happens, you only have as much fun as you allow yourself to experience. Be open to the unexpected and enjoy!
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